
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Daily Life and Economy

     My utopia would be a place of freedom and individuality but you also have to earn it.

The Children
  •   Any one can have their own children.
  • The parents must teach the children to be responsible, respective, and obeidient.
  • But at the same time still teaching the children to be kids and free-hearted, individual, and to just be themselves.
  •  The children will start school at age 6 and learn all the basics.
  • Later when the child is 9 years old they can learn about anything they want to that will support a career choice they would most likely be interested in.
  • Their choice is not permanent; they can change it when they want.
  •  When they turn 14 they can chose what they want to do in life.
  • That choice is not permanent either.
The Adults
  • The adults do what they chose when they was 14 unless they changed it.

Fittness and Food
  • Everyone must workout or do something active everyday.
  • You can eat what you want, but you can't be obese.
  • Everyone can be free and do what they want unless what they do
                - harms their body, interupts someone else's freedom or privacy, or harms the Earth
    If you do certain things correctly and show your individuality you will fit in this Utopia
Their is NO money because it causes greed.
To get something you barter or show your individuality.

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